Making your own sizing stick for violin and viola
To help determine the correct size instrument for a student, make your own sizing stick by taking an ordinary yardstick, and marking off the following

Violin                       Viola
4/4    23-5/8″          16-1/2″    27-1/4″
3/4    22-1/4″           16″           26-3/8″
1/2    20-3/8″           15-1/2″   25-5/8″
1/4    18-1/2″            15″           24-7/8″
1/8    16-7/8″            14″          23-1/4″
1/10   15-3/8″          13″           21-6/8″
1/16   14-1/4″           12″          20-3/8″

To use: place the stick under the chin, in playing position, and, with left arm extended, measure to the middle of the palm to determine the approximate correct size.

Determining correct instrument size
Support the instrument under the chin in playing position. The instrument is of proper size if the palm and fingers of the left hand can comfortably cup the scroll with the elbow

Note to Parents and Students
Generally, the violin is of the proper size if the palm and fingers of the left hand are able to comfortably cup the scroll while the instrument is under the chin in playing position. These are general guidelines subject to teacher discretion. Most teachers of the Suzuki Method ™ feel, “when size is in doubt…smaller is better”.

Alberti's Violins